Answered By: Andrew Lenaghan
Last Updated: Aug 16, 2016     Views: 40


Thank you for your interest in bringing the Library into your classroom. At Lewis University Library, we offer a variety of options for Library Instruction. Sessions can be tailored to your student's needs for the whole course, or for a specific assignment that requires academic research as support for their projects. We are here to work with you to provide the most effective and appropriate instruction services we can.

If you have scheduled sessions in the past, you may use the form here to submit a request Library Instruction Session.  Please know that the session will not be confirmed until you have received a meeting invitation for the date and time of your requested session. 

If this is your first time requesting a Library Instruction Session, or just for more information about working with a librarian to provide instruction on Library resources and/or overall research processes and strategies, please contact:

Andrew Lenaghan, Head of Library Instruction and Research
Phone: 815.588.7196

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